
Too Late – Norman – 4

Norman walked to Church, images of his Ex Wives collided in his mind.  He thought of One, then Two.

Ex Wife Two had married him, never complained until  having gained citizenship, and a job. Then, she divorced him with all the decency of a viper, taking everything he had, and tossing him out.

Tossing him out, and getting a restraining order to insure if he came in 100 feet he was going to jail.

Fortunately, his mother died a few years later. She left him the house he now occupied.

It would have been nice if the rent from the first and second floor paid his bills, but they didn’t.    He owed so much money, having had to borrow to pay alimony and child support for those years, until his youngest was eighteen.

it was hard to see how he’d gotten into so much debt…


What do you think?

Written by jaylar