
Three Sides – Daniel – 7(3)

I had never loved anyone as I had Sherry.  Sure, she was, in a way ‘too good’ for me, considering how beautiful and vibrant she was,  but I loved her.

Sherry had been through a lot of up and down relationships, and I was always there for her.

To have actually had a physical relationship was heaven and to have her as my wife, pregnant with my child was beyond a miracle.

That was last night.

Then Gabi came and her rudeness to Sherry had her racing out of the flat.  I wanted to reprove my daughter, but she was upset, didn’t know what she was doing.  

The next day, Sherry called,  told me she lost the baby, she wanted an annulment.  My life was over.

And there was no one there for me.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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