
The 'Positive' Effect of Adultery – 10

He can watch television all day Sunday, alone, because his family attends a particular venue. He’s not invited, it’s just mothers and kids.

He can learn to like Quiche or figure out how to make himself a meal from soy grain, yoghurt, salmon and cheese, because in this house, the diet has changed.

He looks at you, the woman he betrayed; who looks better today than ever before.

You are confident, you don’t need him, and see through him as if he’s glass, unconcerned about his ego.

He strives to regain your interest, maybe getting a few percentages, but it’s pretty clear, that in your pie chart, he went  from 90% to 20%. Although he might get another 5%,   maybe 10% if he works at it, he will never have the power to bring your life to a crashing halt.

When the husband realises that his adultery cost him the marriage he had, you are  infused with power.

You reflect on that drudge, that sycophant you used to be, and realise how liberating Adultery can be.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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