
Oliver's Odyssey – 52

For Oliver, who thought himself brilliant, superior, perfect, endowed with a power to control and discipline on his wife and children, the past few days had been unbelievable.

Before he could rearrange the world in his head, he received a missive from the school where he had worked.

Oliver had been dismissed from his teaching job.  It was evident, from the document he received, he would not be hired by the Board of Education ever again.  Needing to work he spoke to his old friend Rudy who brought him into his little real estate firm.

It didn’t take long for Oliver to be able to function, somehow aware he had to appear engaging, not malevolent.

He made some money, not that much, and was wondering if he should take a course in something.  

He kept himself quiet, tried to wrap his head around the events, and couldn’t.

Last month he held himself as the perfect husband, and excellent teacher.

What had happened?


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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