
Oliver's Odyssey – 33

Oliver, was a United States citizen.  He was a member of an American Diplomatic Group.  He was stationed on this small island in the Caribbean.  Never would he be more desirable.

Other men might appreciate the fact that having American Citizenship and being part of a Mission would obliterate having two heads, a repulsive smell, and walking on his knuckles.  

Oliver had taken this position because he knew being an American Citizen connected to a Mission on a small island would make any man irresistible.  However, his ego got in the way and he began to think he was handsome, he was desirable.

With a wide selection of female students on the campus for his selection, Oliver ranked them, not just in appearance but in their willingness to please him.

Oliver selected his top five.   

As he didn’t want to have another experience as he had with Maria, he was not going to limit himself to one woman.  If she said no, he would continue down the list.

Wendy did not say no.  She flung herself into his arms.

She was in his top five because of her intelligence, (although, of course, not as bright as he was), her deportment,  appearance, (although not beautiful), and the fact she was of small build.

Oliver had learned that beautiful women can not be trusted. They will always have temptation and if angry with him can easily find someone else.  Small women were easy to control.  Further, those like Wendy would never get a man as perfect as he was so would not let him go.

For Oliver, despite the ugly twist to his mouth and flab, believed he was perfect.


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Written by jaylar

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