
Love ItLove It

No One Humiliates Me

(Photos courtesy of Sun Gazing……)

The most toxic people can often be found in your family.  What I mean is that more often than not, toxic people are related to you.  They poke fun, and join in on humiliating you, by posting inside jokes on facebook, never thinking you will see those comments.

The only thing they are doing is enabling the malignant narcissists that insists on destroying you.  I am a nice person.  So if you think I am being mean to you, it must be because you deserve it.

If you snatch my purse away from me, don’t get mad because I managed to wrestle it out of your hands.  If you take my wallet out of my purse, don’t get mad, when you suddenly realize that I know you were planning this theft in the first place.

Don’t act like the victim, when you decide you couldn’t get away with stealing my property.  Even if someone tries to calm you down, you insist on having your way all the time.  You insist on instant results.  Too bad the cops brought you back down to reality.


What do you think?

Written by Maria Ayala

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