
How the Bough is Bent – 6

The older woman finished her smoke, popped a sweet  in her mouth and came back to the bench.

Trying to make it sound mature and well explained, Connie went into the teaching job she had gotten, the attitude of the staff and of course, the horrors of the children.

Connie began to give details, the woman cut her off;

“You don’t have to tell me, I know.   I’ve been watching the performance of todays..(she made finger quotes) children.  They are being raised for destruction.”

Connie didn’t expect that remark and jerked.

“Imagine, they leave pre-school, into some private school that their Parents can brag about as it costs so much.  And they stay as their are.   The slew of them.”

Connie nodded.

“They are made to believe they are special, superior, can do what they want, and since their parents coddle them, they rarely see real people.  Real people who will not cater to their whims.”


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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