Mike had to go over his life as if binge watching a vintage show. Had to realise that not every person has hidden agendas and secret codes. Not every person makes interactions an obstacle course.
Emily wasn’t going to the matches on Friday night to ‘please’ him or to ‘conform’, she went before she knew him, would go after he fell out of her life.
If he came or not it didn’t effect Emily’s attendance.
If he wanted to ‘link’ it to various twisted constructs, that was his choice.
It was not a logical deduction, it was like that joke he heard years ago about how a man wanted to borrow a jack and psyched himself into believing the stranger he was approaching would decline.
Mike hadn’t thought about going to the amusement park with Emily with a focus on ‘going with’ but on if this was a suitable venue for a lawyer.
When he heard that it was a who’s who congregation he chose to go. This had nothing to do with Emily or with himself as a human.
Mike needed to understand his constructs.