
Five (unscheduled) Flights a Day – 18

What saved Junior was the fact that Bagga knew him.  Knew him as a friend of Jibba, who was solid.  If he hadn’t known him, he’d have left him dish washing in a Diner. Instead, he would recruit him.

Junior got into Bagga’s car.

Bagga explained that he’d come to the area to check on what happened to the shipment; the shipment that had arrived at the apartment where Junior had been billeted.

He’d heard things, gave it time, then checked.

Junior could tell him how the shipment came with four men, how the apartment was jammed. How fights started, and the noise was great.   He described how he’d heard the cops kick off the door, jumped into the bathroom, then out and down.

Bagga nodded. He would ‘deal’ with the situation.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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