
Dawn's Light -Equal Before the Law

Equal before the Law

America has always proclaimed that when it came to the Court Room everyone was ‘equal’ .   Of course, this was and is a lie.

It has always been a lie; in some places more blatant than others.   In some places, getting a honest trial in America is on par with North Korea.   In others, on par with any stray 3rd World Country where what party or leader one is affiliated with determines the verdict.

Trump has been impeached, and everyone knows that he won’t be removed from office.

Who cares about a trial?  Evidence?  This is Trump.  He owns America.  He owns the Republican Party.  He can do anything.   He is not merely above the law, he is the law.

 Money is the Deity.  And Trump will insure their pockets bust.

It is rather shocking that the Verdict of Not Guilty has been entered before the trial.  But then, one has to appreciate that the legal system in America is as fair and honest as in any dictatorship.

There was a time that most people actually believed that America had a real justice system.  After all, look at all those T.V. shows, listen to all that blabber.

Although suspected for sometime; the colour of skin effects the verdict. A white men killing a black man will be found not guilty and a black man suspected of killing a white will be hung.

Those who have argued that the system of Justice in America is Injustice can take small comfort that they were right.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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