
Brain Squish – 6

In ancient days, before the ability to pop words into a search engine, and get answers, people had to think.  Something was heard on a radio or read in a newspaper and people would question.  Some body said something and people didn’t automatically believe it.Research and investigation were standard.  Now, with the Internet, anyone can write anything, post it, and a search engine will pick it up.The gullibility of the population was proven in 2008 by the writing site, Triond,  when invented stories got millions of hits were shared and  believed.Things became so ridiculous that the respected Post newspaper actually quoted something found in ‘Whitehouse Insider’.For those who are unaware;   The “Whitehouse Insider”  was  a hoax created on Triond to get views and coin.Everyone on Triond knew it, but millions believed ‘Ulsterman’ was some ‘Whitehouse Insider’. This was  was hysterically funny while being terrifying.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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