
Both Sides -Now- Jack – 2

Jack stood on the pavement, seeing Paula go into some posh place with a man.  He stood there,  aware he was far too shabby to enter.  

As he passed the venue, he thought to look in the window, but it was opaque, he couldn’t see what was happening, so continued on.

Jack was supposed to meet the guys at the crummy bar they frequented a few blocks up and one over, but didn’t feel like it.

He just didn’t feel like being here now.

He went to the subway, down, and rode to his stop. He came out and tried to recall why he and Paula had stopped seeing each other, and wasn’t sure.

Hungry, he stopped into a deli.  

It was crowded, he didn’t have much cash, so bought a frankfurter with sauerkraut, and carried it with him the half block to his flat.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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