
Barry's Diaries – 43

Being on the basketball team, instead of getting home at 3:15 and completing his home work by 5:00 he was now arriving at past 5:00.

His folks would arrive just after 5:30. They would eat dinner, talk, then he’d go back to his room, racing through his homework.

He was tired, but had to get a few sentences into his journal to capture the day.

Barry’s week day was woken at 7:30, breakfast, shower, dress, and leave home at no later than 8:45 to reach school by 9:00.

School to lunch, then after class, basketball from 3 to 5.

That meant, he had to do most of his homework during lunch, and then get busy from 7 pm so as to get it all done and a glance at a television program.


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Written by jaylar

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