
At The End – 3

Elsa had been warned that her husband, that her children would not take on the responsibility of a child with Down’s syndrome.   

This is how they felt and they were clear about it.

The grown children of Phil and Elsa left the country, not to return. Phil  waited until the baby was born then served Elsa with divorce papers.   Then joined his children.

Phil’s  ex-sister-in-law, Wendy, would be his eyes and ears, so he kept in contact with her as did his children.

Phil, as his children had, from hearing that Elsa would have a baby with Down’s, suggested termination.   But Elsa refused.  Phil and their children didn’t say;  “The Baby or Me…”  they acted. 

Each child left, and then Phil left.

It was predicable.

Wendy had stayed because having been recently widowed, having no life, needing focus, volunteered to help Elsa.

Phil knew there would come a point when Wendy completed her ‘atonement’ and would want a life.  He did not expect she put her life on hold for so long.

When she was ready Phil organised a  job and a work permit in his new country.  That is when Wendy told Elsa she was going away for a week. She didn’t want a drama.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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