
And Comes the Fourth Generation – End

How a lovely mansion, given to the Church for the benefit of the members,  could  morph into a third rate dormitory, was due to entirely to in/action  dis/interest of the Board.

Although Elvis March  was the archetypical small man seeking to exercise power, his predecessors were not much better.

They were Fourth Generation.   

Born with the belief in their superiority, yet incapable of managing anything,  their weakness had not been exposed until their appetites and pockets were in opposition.

Although they postured and preened at Board  meetings, and pretended they had ‘power,’  they did not. 

The Fortunes of their Great Grandfathers had been transmitted to the Grandfathers, some of whom protected them, others squandered.

Their parents  had raised them with a sense of superiority based on nothing, and so, each year they lost more and more.   Each year they became more pomposity.

If these people had paid attention, they would witness the inexorable disintegration of Miriam House.  



What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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