
And Comes The Fourth Generation – 179

As Elvis March had demanded every corner be rented, ignorant of the costs of utilities, Miriam House became financially unrewarding.

As it has been created for indigent members of Church, not as a  dorm, reality shoved in.

When Miss Brown had  been there, she rented few rooms kept some vacant, just in case there was a need or investigation. Further, she was aware that if utilities were beneath a particular threshold the cost per unit would be much less.

Selma Rashford Grindley, if she were not near comatose, would not have let a small man like Elvis March bully her.

Ann South, having taken the position, unaware of the antecedents, obeyed Elvis March. She filled the premises,meaning that utilities would rise phenomenally.

But as Elvis March was one of the Fourth Generation he had no comprehension of the different levels of usage.

Further, as the legal ramifications of running a dorm in a premises registered as a charity began to emerge, it was decided to end the ‘dorm’.

It took Elvis March until April to figure this out.   He went to a prestigious Law Firm, which sent him to a Newbie who prepared Notices to Quit.

Ann South would  distribute them.

She had no idea what would happen; not just to the tenants, but to herself.   After all if Miriam House closed, would she have a job?

Without a job…Where would she go?  What would she do?  

As she walked around with the notices the hatred boiling off the tenants was almost audible.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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