
And Comes The Fourth Generation – 176

Mrs. Lopez would move the school, then find alternate lodgings for herself.   She had too much pride to allow herself to be treated as dirt by a small man like Elvis March.

Finding a good locale for the School,  she moved it.   This meant she would be off the premises most of the time.

She began to search for a new place to live.

Without the school, the house wasn’t worth half the price.

The reality was, it was highly unlikely anyone would want to live in that house, and not at that price.

This was actually realised a few hours later by Elvis March.

After he had blasted Mrs. Lopez, he drove to his office feeling superior but this began to  evaporated with every mile.

That house was virtually unrentable. The structure made no sense. It could not have been built as a residence.   He had just thrown out the only tenant that premises would ever have.

When he arrived at the office he tried to bark at his employees but they were all busy.

He spent about  an hour fuming then went to the Church Office. For no real reason, he fired the security guard and ordered another be hired.

He felt better after doing it.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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