
And Comes the Fourth Generation – 175

The electronic gate was the kind a family would use; open in the morning for Daddy to go to work, open in the evening for Daddy to come home.

The first time it broke, Selma was on her back, so  no report was made, the Gate returned to being hand operated.

When Ann South arrived, seeing the broken gate she alerted the office that it needed to be repaired.

It was repaired, but with dozens of cars coming in and out all day, the gate couldn’t manage, and broke again.

After a number of breakages, Mrs. Lopez, who ran the school had received a letter informing her to stop letting cars in. 

This led to the parents parking in the gate way, on the sidewalk, in the road, creating a situation.

Elvis March finally got the courage to drive to Miriam House to confront Mrs. Lopez, and of course, made it worse.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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