
After Adultery – 6

Having attended meetings of a particular club every Wednesday, Joan and Syl did not find it difficult to add a new aspect to their evening.

As the meeting started at 7 and they left work at 4, it was rather easy to stop at Syl’s house from 4:30 to 6:45, arrive at the meeting a touch late, leave a touch early and have a late dinner.

Joan would arrive home at her usual 10:30.

As Seth didn’t stroll in until nearly 11:00, Joan, being ‘caught’ , was not likely.

When Seth’s affair with Slutina ended, Joan did not end her affair with Syl.

Every Wednesday, Joan and Syl had their ‘afternoon delight’.

The fact Seth would be home alone was a shoulder shrug.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar

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