
I Live With Minions

It seems to be to be the only possible explanation. They look like men on the outside, but on the inside I believe they are minions. It is not their fault that they speak a different language than me. They can’t help it that their way of communicating facts and information is totally different. I cannot believe it took me so long to figure it out. My life would have been so much simpler. 

So the goal for the day is to remember that I love them, they are minions and I have to remember that when communicating. I am one who needs some visual and audio reminders.

I have a feeling this day may go better than most. (Of course, they are still asleep so it is easier to be hopeful!) At least I am beginning the day with a smile and a plan. What could possibibly go wrong? It’s a holiday here!


What do you think?

Written by Ghostwriter