
The New Chairman – part 10

For those who have never experienced a Boss From Hell,  it is a life changing experience.

One changes into a sneaky, dishonest, disloyal creature who sees the work place as a slave plantation, the BfH as the Massa and to show resentment, ‘breaks their tools’.

By the time the BfH left, I knew we could never work under a decent person.   We could never function in a normal environment.

This is why I lobbied for the repulsive clown, Mort Panludd.   He was known in the industry for his bluster, his ignorance, his belligerence, as well as his sexual predator behaviour.

He had money and thought he owned the world.

As he made enemies with every breath,  most of  his time was spent attacking them and being attacked by them.  This meant he would pay  little attention to the Office.

He wouldn’t know that a number of people had quit years ago, but were still ‘receiving’ pay packets.  I put the word ‘receiving’ in semi-quotes as the money was being received by us… Ken, Tanya, myself, and Jeff, who replaced Dougie.

Panludd wouldn’t know that a lot of the ‘independent contractors’ that were paid by the Company were us, doing that work during the time we were being paid to do this work.

Panludd wouldn’t know, wouldn’t have time or interest in  knowing.   Panludd would focus on the publicity, the press, his loud mouth and stupid statements.

However, as we had been rolling in the mud long enough, we decided that when our contracts were up, we wouldn’t renew.   That is, if there even was a company left after Panludd.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar