
The 1899 Business Model – 6

Those who find themselves in the top heavy world of the 1899 business model, know their immediate ‘boss’ can not fire them, set their time schedules, or in any way do anything but look.

Once this is discerned, the Manager becomes a laughing stock.  He can give an order, the worker can toss, “Sure, Boss!” and sit down and laugh.

For a ‘Boss’ to have to grovel before a Board to fire a worker is humiliating for a person with self respect.   Hence, why care?

The Manager  becomes as worthless as the sleeping worker.

He may dress well, speak well, behave as if he is ‘in charge’ but knowing he has no power, he’ll ignore everything he possibly can to avoid having to go before the Board.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar