
The Path to Obtaining True Freedom in Life

Have you wished that you could be like your friend who works at home or like your boss who makes $100,000 a year to tell you what to do all day? Let’s take a look at what those people did to achieve their goals so that you can gain the insight needed to make a better life for yourself.

#1 Set a Goal

Do you want to make $100,000 a year working 20 hours a week? Do you want to be a public speaker or a leader within your community? Whatever your goal is, define it and start working your way toward achieving it. 

#2 Don’t Listen to the Haters

There are going to be a lot of people who make fun of you or tell you that you're wasting your time. Instead of focusing on them, focus on the people who you are achieving your dreams for.  This could be a spouse, your child or a parent who has always supported you. 

#4 Network, Network, Network

You won't go anywhere if you don't know the right people. Being a blogger is going to be hard if you don't have an audience. Being a professional athlete is going to be hard if you don't have a trainer or someone to vouch for you to teams.

#5 Embrace Failure

The path to your goal is not going to be a linear one. It's important that you embrace your mistakes and learn from them. Like Nelson Mandela said, you can either win or you can learn. You only lose if you give up.

#6 Believe in Yourself

Everyone has a talent, and anyone can be successful if they work hard enough. Even if you aren't a stock trader today or a professional comedian right now, you can get there if you have a goal and work to achieve it. Don't be afraid to seek out opportunity wherever you can find it and scrape by until you get that big break. 


What do you think?

10 Points

Written by Cody Hodge


  1. This is a good article and the points are so apt for me. It’s true you can make money if you set goals, work hard at it, and believe in yourself.

    Naysayers will come like they always do, but you should ignore them, and prove to all that you can succeed.