

Due to particular  events, Mike, a Boss From Hell,  brought Dale, a contemporary, into his Office.   Dale thought they were  equals.   Mike treated  her as an inferior.

Mike wasted a lot of time lecturing someone who knew more than he did.   Wasted a lot of time going over work Dale had done.

Dale, who was stunned by the insults Mike paid her, decided to respond by unworking.  It might take her ten minutes to do a job and then she’d let it sit until he asked for it.

When he did, she would show it to him as if he were her superior, and he, who was not as competent, would review it.   He’d find errors, even imaginary ones, and demand she do it over.

It became a game with Dale to make one job which took her ten minutes fill her work ‘day’.  This ability to get paid for nothing, to do less than 4 hours work for 8 hours pay became a kind of sick joy.

When Dale first arrived, she had thought she was in error.  She thought he was right, giving him the benefit of the doubt.

As time passed and she became totally stressed out, she realised that all this pressure he put on her was not for the work, it was to demean her.

Realising this, the  stress Dale had felt when she first came to work for Mike dripped off as sweat.

She appreciated he was no more than the text book Abuser, and the office was his Kingdom.


What do you think?

Written by jaylar