
My Work at Home Endeavors (A Recap)

This question has been asked of me many times. My story doesn’t change, however, the answer changes because the timeline keeps stretching and there’s more history to add on. It began in 2007. Here’s my story.

I found myself unemployed and needed to figure out a way to work from home. My kids were gracious enough to furnish me with a computer that had Internet access. I did a search for income opportunities. Found something about being an affiliate marketer and started with that. Found a D.I.Y. app to build my own website free and share affiliate links. It was disastrous. But I didn’t give up.

Since the affiliate marketing wasn’t going very well, I searched online for freelance writing opportunities . Most of the sites wanted to charge a fee to join. I finally found one that requested only a writing sample. If they approved I could sign up for free. My sample was approved and I started writing. That site no longer exists but it was a great jump start! From there I just started looking for more online writing sites or communities. I found some writing sites that also allowed affiliate marketing. Writing and earning sales commissions? A twofer! Even better!

Somewhere along the timeline, social blogging communities started popping up. These communities had revenue-share plans and there was no fee to join. I hopped on the bandwagon. Many of the sites disappeared without paying me. Some of the sites are still here and I am being paid. Live and learn.  (NOTE:  If you Google the term “social blogging” you are going to find varied information.  The phrase means different things to different people.  In the context of this post I am referring to social sites that pay like Virily.)

I also started using my social media accounts more aggressively for affiliate marketing. (When I first started I didn’t know that I could.) Mainly I use Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Instagram. It seems to be working, although I am certain I could do better if I had more followers.

Time has passed and I have continued with my make money online efforts. The best break was when I started forums in 2017. A friend suggested that I join one. Not only was the income consistent but I was learning a lot and getting some great advice from others.  Some people recommend you start your own forum.  I am not advanced or that ambitious.  But it can be a successful and profitable endeavor.

My latest make money online endeavors involve getting my feet wet wading into the digital waters of cryptocurrency investing. While learning, I’m earning bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies. I started with faucets because it was the easiest way for a newbie to get started. This effort is going slowly but it is moving along. Better slow than standing still or going backward.  Right?

So that’s it! From 2007 to 2019. That’s my story!

Questions? Comments?

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