
Mastering the Job Market: How to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Did you know that resume-screening software eliminates about half of job applications before a human has the chance to look at it? Since 98% of Fortune 500 companies use Applicant Tracking Software (ATS), it’s clear that your resume formatting is hugely important for achieving the job of your dreams.

Are you wondering how to make your resume stand out? We’ve got you covered! Here’s a list of methods that are sure to get your resume noticed by employers and land you your next great job.

Focus on Formatting

While you might think that flashy formatting would work, using fancy colors and fonts often comes off as unnecessary and tacky. One of the best ways how to make your resume stand out is to simply use a modern yet professional format.

You don’t want to overdo it. Something as simple as a navy border can make your resume stand out from the sea of black and white documents without coming across as overly flashy.

Of course, some industries find flash more acceptable than others. If you’re applying for a graphic design job, an unconventional resume can be used to show off your skills. As long as you keep things professional and keep your audience in mind, your format can go a long way.

Quantify Success

If you can, using metrics is a great method of how to make your resume stand out. If you have hard numbers of your sales volume, grants secured, or money saved, use it! You can also use numbers to highlight the number of staff members you worked with, how large of a budget you had, or how many customers you had.  

Numbers give weight to your responsibilities and accomplishments. And most employers assume that your past performance will indicate your future results.

Target Your Resume to the Job Description

Tailoring your resume to the job you’re applying for is a surefire way how to make your resume stand out. Emphasize your skills, responsibilities, and accomplishments most relevant to that job.

One easy way to target the job is to use keywords you find in the job description and incorporate them into the resume. We’ve talked about this before, and we doubt it’s going to go out of style anytime in the near future. Remember, in a sea of generic resumes, using one specifically tailored to the job you want will definitely make your resume stand out.

Let the Professionals Determine How to Make Your Resume Stand Out

Are you unsure of how your resume can implement these ideas? Try hiring a professional! There are a variety of professional resume services out there that can turn your resume from drab to fab. 

These experts have years of training and success stories that they can implement to make your resume stand out. So when in doubt, if there’s a job you’re really pining after, don’t be afraid to hire someone to take a look and give you suggestions.

Ready for the Next Step?

Now that you know how to make your resume stand out, you’ll want to prepare for your inevitable interview! Read about what you definitely don’t want to do on your job interview so you can be prepared.


What do you think?

Written by Virily Editor

One Comment

  1. This is such a piece of valuable information. I am looking for some guidance on creating a resume because I am planning to apply for other companies. I will definitely use this as my guide. Thank you for sharing.