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Signs That Show You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

These days, most people need oral surgery to remove their wisdom teeth. In fact, it is almost a standard rite of passage for young adults, but removing wisdom teeth most times is not necessary.

In most cases, your dentist will recommend that you remove your wisdom teeth after carrying out the necessary examinations and x-ray to determine if they are at the risk of decay, but there are also a few signs that show troublesome wisdom teeth. When you begin to experience any of these signs and symptoms, it is a clear warning that you should see your dentist and have them removed as soon as possible.

Constant Pain and Infection

One of the most common warning signs that you may need to remove your wisdom teeth is when you constantly experience pain and irritation when you open your mouth and at the site of the tooth.

Wisdom teeth typically erupts between the ages of 17 and 21, therefore, they are usually the last teeth to emerge in the mouth, and therefore, easily wedged in or impacted, as there is usually not enough room for them to come out straight.

An impacted tooth is mostly painless, and you may not even know it is there, however, eruption causes the overlying gum to swell, causing pain and discomfort that will be felt in that part of the mouth. This pain usually lasts for a few days then subsides, before coming back again. The longer you leave the tooth untreated, the more severe the pain becomes.

A partially erupted tooth is not only painful, it can also collect and accumulate debris, food, and plaque, which can lead to infection in the mouth, particularly PERICONTIS. Left untreated, this infection can spread to the throat and neck.

Swollen Gums and Stiff Jaws

As wisdom teeth emerge, they tend to push against other existing teeth, causing them to move and become misaligned. This can cause swelling in the gums of the affected teeth, stiffness and discomfort in the jaws, so that you find it difficult and uncomfortable to open and close your jaws.

Cysts can also form around the new teeth, and if not quickly treated, can hollow out your jaw and cause damage to the nerves in the affected areas.

In most cases, a partially erupted wisdom tooth can cause problems with the gum or even lead to gum disease known as PERICONTIS. Some of the signs of this gum infection are:

Sore and bleeding gums

Pain and swelling

Sore and swollen lymph glands beneath the jaw

Pus coming from the affected gums

Difficulty in opening the mouth and in swallowing


When you begin to experience some or all of the signs of gum infection, it is best you quickly seek professional advice to determine the cause of the problem before it escalates. If you suspect a partially erupted wisdom tooth, you should ask a reliable dentist for wisdom teeth removal infoso that you can fix your mouth and get back to your life.

Eating Difficulty and Sinus Problems

Another way to immediately tell if your wisdom teeth is giving problems is if you experience pain in your sinus, pressure or congestion, especially in and around your upper jaw. When teeth come out, it can push against the sinuses located up and behind your upper jaw. This pressure can cause sinus pain and unexplained headaches.

Misalignment caused by the erupting of wisdom teeth can also make it difficult for you to open and close your mouth. This will typically lead to problems with chewing and biting, in most cases, causing you to experience pain when performing any form of activity with your mouth. You can also tell you have wisdom teeth issues when you begin to experience bad breath and an unpleasant taste in your mouth.

Cavities and Tooth Decay

If wisdom teeth are left untreated, they can cause cysts, which can result into benign tumours in the jaw area. In certain cases, this condition can damage the root of the nearby teeth and cause bone destruction.

Impacted teeth can also lead to cavities and tooth decay. Because these teeth tend to come up in between existing teeth, they may leave slight gaps between tooth that is difficult to reach and clean. This can cause bacteria that will eventually lead to cavities and tooth decay.

Wrapping up

As you can see, it is very easy to determine if your wisdom teeth are causing you problems. Once you identify the signs and symptoms associated with troublesome wisdom teeth, the next step is to seek the advice of a reliable dentist who will help you determine the next step to take. You may however, be required to remove the affected tooth so that you can get better quickly.


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Written by Megan Sashyl

One Comment

  1. I have had all 4 wisdom teeth removed and the last one in my 40s..The last one was lying on the side and the dentist have to cut it in 2 and remove both ends.
    Most of my family have had their wisdom teeth, for too many teeth for the mouth…and so they had to go.