There are certain people who get unfavorable response to some food, thus, considering it a food allergy. It is said to be an adverse immune response to a certain food protein. We often see friends and family who experience asthma or allergic rhinitis from eating an allergen.
Most common symptoms of food allergy are vomiting, nausea, rashes and diarrhea. This is how the body is reacting to something you have eaten or drank. This is also sometimes called as food intolerance, but these are two different things, which always confuse a lot of people. Both can have the same symptoms but food intolerance only gives milder reaction, as compared to food allergy. Just like lactose intolerance which only gives you an upset stomach.
Food allergy symptoms often show up about an hour after you have taken something. Detecting signs of allergy is your first step to identify the adverse effect of eating something. Swelling on the face, lips and tongue is a common sight, as well as wheezing and trouble breathing. Sulfite allergy is an example. It is the reaction you get when drinking wine, more particularly the red. Though it is has not been scientifically proven, accounts from people who suffer dizziness after drinking red wine were noted. Food allergy can also lead to a more severe reaction, which could sometimes be fatal. So it is important for someone to identify the food they are allergic to, in order to prevent hazard to one’s life. A lot of people tend to outgrow their food allergies, though seafood like shellfish and fish, and nuts such as peanuts and almonds, and milk and eggs are somehow considered a lifelong allergy.
If you are suffering from food allergy, it would be wise to read the labels on the food that you are going to take in. If you are not sure on certain ingredients of a particular dish, then do not eat it. It would be more beneficial to stay away from it than having to suffer the effects right after. You can also read and research information all about it. You can keep a list of certain food that you should be avoiding as the ingredients can be an allergen. Asking your doctor can also be beneficial. Some medications can be recommended by your doctor in order to control the allergic symptoms, in case you have unwillingly eaten something you are allergic to.