Thursday, 9.17.20
It is 94 degrees in Irvine, California, today. The Yoga meetup at the park was cancelled today, and I don’t really care because I am getting tired of these meetups anyway. The people there are lazy and flaky, and it is getting boring. My own workout are much more productive, in which I get more out of it, including my personal walking workouts. So, I decided to go to the gym since most gyms have reopened again. But the gym at the Spectrum Center mall will not reopen because that one is permanently closed down. I googled the available 24 Hours Gyms around my area that have reopened, and there are three—Culver Drive in Woodbridge, Anton Drive–next to South Coast Plaza in Costa Mesa, and Los Olivos–which is on the other side of the Spectrum Center on Irvine Center Drive, but I have never been to that one before. I decided to go to the Woodbridge 24 Hrs Fitness gym today at 1:30pm.
The gym was quiet. Face covering was required. Few people were working out. There were many equipment, but some equipment were marked to stay off it in order for social distancing. There were TVs hanging from the ceiling, but crap was on TV. I decided to walk on the treadmill because I haven’t done that in a long time. I used my usual speed of 4, and walked for an hour, walking 4 miles and burning 372 calories. Then, I went on the stationary bicycle for 30 minutes and cycled 4 miles, burning 100 calories. I stretched on a large ball for a couple of minutes. Then, I decided to leave at 3:30 pm.
I would like to check out the other two gyms in the future because I have never been to them before.
That sounds like a great idea and plan to me!
It is funny to think how long I have been staying at home now. I plan on going out tomorrow for some groceries but you know what? I am kind of scared venturing out but I have no choice.