
ADHD – Nutrition in Attention Deficit Disorders

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ( ADHD ) affects about three percent of children. These are children who are easily distracted and unable to hold on for longer, have frequent outbursts and switch from activity to activity. Although they are clear, they often cannot remember the information because they lack a chemical substance (usually norepinephrine) for proper brain function.

More recently, the B-diet is considered to be the culprit and low in B vitamins, with many refined carbohydrates , artificial colors and additives, and salicylate-containing foods (candy, beverages, toothpaste).Nutrition in ADHD plays a very important role, so it is very important to pay attention to the following:

Essential fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are important for the growth, development and maturation of the brain and nervous system. Fish oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and contains two acids EFA and DHA. DHA acid is the key to unlocking the baby’s brain because it is important for central nervous system health, especially in brain and eye development.

Studies have found that children with learning disorders, including attention-deficit and hyperactive disorders, often have a deficiency in this fatty acid.

Fish, flaxseed and nuts are good sources of essential fatty acids. Fish oil supplementation is the most effective way for your child to get the ratio he or she needs. Flaxseed essential oils and seeds and other sources need a longer conversion pathway in the body in the form best suited for utilization, so they are a less effective source.

Vitamin B complex

B vitamins are associated with improving neural activity and reducing stress, and are beneficial for children with ADHD. Good nutritional sources of Vitamin B are yeast, liver, whole grains and bread, rice, nuts, milk, eggs, meat, fish, fruits, leafy green vegetables and soy.


Children with ADHD need to eat small portions of protein throughout the day to equalize their energy. Breakfast and lunch should include protein from meat, fish, eggs, cheese and beans.

Serving a protein meal does not necessarily mean you have to cook. Offer your child a cheese or cooked egg sandwich with integral bread or plain yogurt mixed with seasonal fruits that will give it the sweetness it needs. Throughout the day, offer nuts and seeds.

Depending on the age, children need 24 to 30 grams of protein per day, and adults 45 to 70 grams. One cup of cow’s or soy milk contains seven grams of protein, as well as one egg or piece of cheese or meat.

Calcium and magnesium

Give your child a glass of milk or a serving of green vegetables to get enough calcium. Calcium is important for bone building, and it supports cell membranes and helps the nervous system, especially in the transmission of impulses, and thus could improve the baby’s behavior.

Magnesium has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, and is involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis.

Children diagnosed with ADD and ADHD responded positively to calcium and magnesium supplementation, and both minerals are naturally found in many foods.

Milk and dairy products are major sources of calcium, but calcium is also found in green vegetables such as broccoli, kale, roast , sardines, sesame seeds and almonds. Spinach-like green vegetables are a great source of magnesium, as are seeds, almonds, nuts, bananas and whole grains.

Trace minerals

Trace minerals are micronutrients needed by the body daily, but in small amounts.

Other minerals that will help with ADHD are zinc and iron . Studies have shown that children with ADHD have low levels of zinc in the body compared to children without ADHD. Iron helps regulate the neurotransmitter dopamine and can help children with ADHD.

Trace minerals are found in fruits, vegetables and animal products, but many nutritionists recommend the best supplement with multivitamins without added sugar.

What foods should I avoid with ADHD?

Avoid: Sugars

Sugar is a failure for a child with ADHD because it deprives the body of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and increases hyperactivity.

It doesn’t matter if you use white refined sugar or brown sugar – all sugars are the same when it comes to their negative effect on ADHD.

There is a small nutritional benefit to some sugars, for example, pressed sugarcane juice that leaves fibers behind, so you get minerals from the plant. Also, honey offers pollen to help with allergies, molasses contains trace minerals and iron, agave is metabolized more slowly.

However, you should control your sugar intake and take care of hidden sugars in foods such as sugary breakfast cereals, french fries, sweetened drinks, chewing gum, and other foods.

For example, did you know that fruit yogurt or ice cream can contain a lot of sugar? When looking at labels, with obvious “sugar” labels, avoid all artificial sweeteners and foods that contain corn syrup, fructose, sucrose and dextrose. Unrefined sugars from whole grains , vegetables and fruits serve to supply energy and metabolism to the body.

Avoid: Additives

Blue, pink and yellow or any other color in food is a visual delight for any child. Several hundred nutritional supplements have been approved to improve taste and appearance, but that does not mean that they are healthy for your child.

Avoid colored foods, but also sodium glutamate, also known as MSG, which is used as a flavor enhancer in many foods to enhance their original taste. Avoid additives whenever possible.

Avoid: Hydrogenated oils

Bad fats are not only the enemy of weight loss , but they inhibit healthy nerve function. The wrong types of fat do not feed the brain, instead they can affect the brain. The wrong types of fats are trans fats and saturated fats, mostly those that are rigid at room temperature. Flax, olive or rapeseed oil is healthier.

Avoid: Caffeine

Coffee, tea and other drinks with caffeine extract minerals from the bones, lowering the body’s natural pH, making it difficult for the body to maintain its natural balance. This means that a child with ADHD who consumes too much caffeine, which can be found in chocolate, sweets and sodas, can promote the loss of minerals that are important for nerve function.

Avoid: Salt

Similar to caffeine, salt can lead to the depletion of minerals needed for neurons to function in a healthy way. Processed foods usually have high levels of sodium, so read the labels carefully.


What do you think?

Written by Radica

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