
6 Parts of the Body That Cycling Works on That Will Make You Want to Keep It Up

Bike riding is not one of those popular sports that everyone talks about. This is because it is not done for fun but works as a full body workout utilizing all the major muscles in the body. Though many believe that it is a workout for the lower body, it also works best for your upper body too. By choosing the best hybrid bike, you can enjoy more of outdoors as you get fit each day.

The health benefits of cycling are known to increase as you intensify your cycling exercises. Though it may sound biased in light of the many exercises that have come up in the 21st Century, it remains to be the only one that both young and old, men and women can enjoy and remain healthy throughout their lives.

What body parts enjoy these benefits the most? 

  • Legs – Your legs play a huge role in supporting the weight of your entire body. Therefore, it is wise to keep your legs in good shape all the time. Your legs heavily rely on movement to keep them firm and well-toned. That’s why cycling is the best exercising tool for your legs. The pushing of the pedals just has a way of giving your legs enough exercises no matter your age. The quadriceps at the front of your thighs and the hamstrings at the back are the primary muscles that are in your lower body that are used during cycling. The smaller soleus muscles and the gastrocnemius in your calves are also highly utilized. The quads are mainly used to straighten out your legs as you push down the pedals even as the hamstrings work the calf muscles to bring the pedal up. This continuous movement makes your legs enjoy the very best of exercises using a bike.
  • Abs and core – Your abs are built up when there is pressure coming from the lower body parts and cycling happens to be one of the finest exercises to do give you abs. Strengthening your core and building your abs improves both your balance and coordination. To form your core, tuck in your lower rectus abdominis muscles every time you cycle to maximize your muscle building. You should feel a light squeezing in your lower abs that helps you maintain proper posture when riding.
  • Arms – The muscles in your arms play a huge role and are relied on heavily when cycling. Cycling works on the deltoid muscles that are on your shoulders as well as the biceps and triceps on your upper part of the arms. The triceps are at the back of the arm and the biceps at the front. These two muscles work together as you take a grip on the bicycle, especially when you are learning to lean forward when riding.
  • Back – The lower back muscles – the latissimusdorsi muscles – are the ones that provide your body with stability and balance. This balance helps you coordinate while cycling. These muscles are utilized and strengthened when cycling, becoming even stronger if you practice going uphill and using the rough terrain. Ensure that you keep your back straight when cycling. Even as you lean forward, do not arch your back.
  • Mental health – People who have a physically active lifestyle always have a higher mental health. There are so many exercises to boost your mood – the basic release of adrenalin and endorphins. Cycling is one of these exercises that combined with being outdoors and exploring new views can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can choose to ride alone and process your worries and concerns or you can choose to ride with a group and broaden your social circle and laugh your heart out.
  • Lung health – People who ride their bike daily breathe deeply and fast allowing their heart to beat fast and their lungs to exercise breathing in and out in a more fast way. The average person who simply sits in the office all day and does not provoke their system to breathe any faster or their heart to beat any faster is at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases than the ones who cycle.

Take home

Remember, safety always comes first! Cycling is a full body work out that brings great results, but it can be dangerous if you are not exercising proper caution. Though it is a low-impact sport, it can result in an injury like foot damage, lower back injury, or muscle strain. Always work to maintain a proper balance so that you don’t overwork your body. Be careful even as you endeavor to become fit!


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Written by Eric Reyes

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