Monday, 10.14.19
I have been procrastinating washing my car because I mostly was busy doing something else or I just forgot. Today, I ended up washing both my cars, Beetle and MX-3. The weather was nice–it was warm and sunny but not hot, probably in the 70s. I started at noon, which is probably too early for me because I usually wash my car in the late afternoon, around 4 or 5 pm, which it is cooler. I seemed to have a lot of energy because I cleaned the outside of two cars without being tired. I got good exercises walking back and forth to turn the water hose on and off becuase I didn’t want to waste water. I soon realized I shouldn’t have started washing my car at around noon because the soap was drying fast on the car before I turned the water hose on to rinse it. But I still worked it out.
At around 3:30 pm, I finished. After sipping some homemade tomato soup and eating vegan tofu jerky, I wanted to ride my bicycle but my legs were tired from walking back and forth. So, I decided to take a stroll in the area. I found three pennies on the ground at different locations, in which I am thinking it might be some kind of sign. But who knows.
I returned home and watched the movie, DaVinci Code. I bought the book at a used book sale, but I haven’t read it yet. My cousin told me that the book is better, and she didn’t like the movie. The movie was ok. So, I am wondering what the book is like. I will probably read it later after I finished other books I am currently working on.
I love this time of the year when the weather starts to get cool.