
The song of Spring.

After a long frozen white winter, there is the desire for colorful spring. After a fresh breath the breeze and smell the the excitation nature. It was long but the winter government ended. The power of the sun’s rays gives life to everything alive.

Sounds of spring landscapes are to me like a song. The sun, plants and birds sing – balm for the soul. The snow melts, the grass green and appear snowdrops. Day is longer in the power of the Sun.

The flower buds on green grass. Catkin willow are along the banks of streams. The scent of violets is alluring for walks outdoors. It’s exhilarating to watch the growth and movement of life.

The Golden Rain shines, the Lilac smells and in May rain falls on my head. Spring is still a topic for creating art. I am not the first or the last to write, paint, sing and play music on her glory. My feelings on the look for spring, I expressed to my way of paintings.

More from my moods in the paintings can be seen here:


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Written by Paul Pulszartti