
The Potter & the Clay 2019 DRAWING

Welcome Love Art Wonders Readers, HAPPY NEW YEAR 2019! Hope everyone had a good start to the year with fresh goals. This drawing that has been created comes from an idea my sister gave me. I didn’t originally create her design but found this picture from an artist online that is similar to what she was asking. Step by step this was a joy of mine to create. This piece is called “The Potter & the Clay” I think this is very special and a reminder that we are all broken and in great need of restoration. We don’t know how to fix ourselves or even get things right all the time. But because we have God who loves us so much, each moment he is making and creating and restoring. Hope this is a simple reminder to anyone who is suffering from not being good enough or accepted as they are that you can know God is working on you and creating you into a better person.

God bless

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