Title: Swinging from a Tree in the Spring
Style: Graphic Design
Made with: Gimp
© Courtney Dutton
Hello everybody, I know I haven’t posted in a few days. I needed a bit of a break from posting (I was also checking out Steemit and giving that a try).
I decided today I would come back and post some more work.
This art piece is pretty simple, as I try to keep most of my designs. I used Gimp as usual here. For this I chose to use real images for the grass and sky instead of just using brushes. The rest of the work is made using brushes/silhouettes.
Do you like that I added different elements here? Is there anything that you would change/make different?
I hope you all can enjoy this art piece! Thank you for your time 🙂
It’s beautiful art work l wouldn’t change anything about it
Thank you 🙂