Reflection in a Taxi Cab Winshield (2017-11-06 15-17-16a)
I was out running some errands and decided to stop at the local Dunkin Donuts to get a donut for my wife and I. As I was walking to the entrance I noticed the reflection of some decorative flags in the windshield of a taxi cab parked in the lot. I thought the reflection was interesting so I took out my camera a took a couple of pictures.
All of a sudden the window rolls down and the taxi driver, an African immigrant, worriedly asked me what I was doing. I got the feeling he thought I was going to report him for something. I didn’t even know he was there.
I explained why I was taking the photos and the panicked look disappeared. He got a big smile on his face.
The Dunkin Donuts is located at 6332 North Broadway Avenue. There were some flags decorating the bulding and I saw the reflection in the windshield.
I took the photo with a Nikon Coolpix P7700 camera. I used ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2018 to crop a bit, adjust the lighting and boost the contrast and vibrance.
Text and photo © 2017 Gary J. Sibio. All rights reserved.
You’ve a sharp eye, Gary. Well done spotting that, then snapping it. And I’m glad you reassured that guy 🙂
Thanks,Norman. I felt so bad for him.