I drew this to continue practicing the Draw 20 household objects. So this is the back of the same phone case of my Galaxy Phone. It is a dusky purple color, but I haven’t gotten to use colors yet. Maybe that will be in this course or the next one. I don’t know. My daughter says that I have to practice drawing straight lines, I like the way that I put the stiches in the case, and shaded the dusky color with an old eraser that doesn’t really erase anymore but leaves a dark grey streak. So I used that to make the shading. It works! pa
Here is the link to my YouTube playlist of recent songs. I want to get good enough drawing that I can use my own drawings for the pictures in the videos.
I am taking this class so that it is amazing that I can do this. My mother is an artist, but not a good teacher. So I am learning this on Udemy.