
OC Artists Awards 2017 and After Party

Saturday, December 10, 2017, 5pm to 8 pm

What stood out for me as I entered the art gallery are all the bold colors, which were similar to the bold colors in Fall Fashions 2017. But as I browse through the art gallery, checking out each artwork, I notice interesting photography, paintings, and drawings. The lighthouse photograph got my attention because I have always been into lighthouses since childhood. The mannequin photograph got my attention because I also do mannequin photography. The colorful bottles still life photograph got my attention because I also like photographing bottles different size bottles in different shapes as art sculptures. Some colorful and graphic art paintings as well as drawings looked similar to my graphic novel scenes and pages. So, I guess, I was attracted to the artworks that I most relate with in some way. There was a two-man jazz band in the art gallery playing music in the background.  Enjoy the fifteen-minute jazz music and art!

#2 OC Artists Awards 2017 Video

Enjoy this 15-minute video of artworks that I video recorded with my iPhone6 to display local OC art, celebrating the ending of another year in OC art.

What stood out for me as I entered the art gallery are all the bold colors, which were similar to the bold colors in Fall Fashions 2017. But as I browse through the art gallery, checking out each artwork, I notice interesting photography, paintings, and drawings. The lighthouse photograph got my attention because I have always been into lighthouses since childhood. The mannequin photograph got my attention because I also do mannequin photography. The colorful bottles still life photograph got my attention because I also like photographing bottles different size bottles in different shapes as art sculptures. Some colorful and graphic art paintings as well as drawings looked similar to my graphic novel scenes and pages. So, I guess, I was attracted to the artworks that I most relate with in some way. There was a two-man jazz band in the art gallery playing music in the background.  Enjoy the fifteen-minute jazz music and art!

#3 My mannquin photography #1

The mannequin in the photograph looked like a real person, and I thought the mannequin’s face, mostly her eyes, looked like the old movie star, Rita Hayworth. I, too, like to make the mannequins that I photograph look like real people to trick the eye. I successfully did that with five of my photographs, one I took at South Coast Plaza’s Nordstrom window display, two photographs in the streets of Beverly Hills window displays, the fourth photograph was at a Las Vegas mall window display, and the fifth photograph was taken at The Lab in Costa Mesa.  I added photographs of only three of my mannequin photographs because my Las Vegas mannequin photographs aren’t uploaded inside my hard drive.

#5 My mannequin photograph #3

This mannequin also looks like a real person, and I think she fits in Beverly Hills. She looks and acts snobbish and very wealthy. I actually like her outfit for fall and winter fashions. But I mostly like the Beverly Hills Cab in the background, as well as my reflection taking the photograph, which indicates a photographer/model working connection. I am actually wearing a casual version of her outfit, which includes a white shorts with green polka dots, white t-shirt, green vest, and plaid cap. 

#6 My mannequin photograph #4

I took this photograph at The Lab Anti-Mall, probably around the early 2000s, because this store is no longer at The Lab. I think the first mannequin, wearing the black miniskirt looks real. The mannequin wearing the red dress kind of looks real, except for her wrists. But it could also indicate she might be suicidal for slitting her wrists. She looks like she had a fight with her boyfriend that is sitting by her.  Maybe he was checking out the mannequin in the miniskirt.


What do you think?