
My paintings on glass.

I like to try painting on different surfaces and unconventional colors. I chose a glass and synthetic colors. It was interesting for the customer, and he hung my paintings with enthusiasm. It’s a pleasure for me when I see my paintings in nice interiors.

Colors of the sea and sailing provide refreshing for the eye of the beholder. I was pleased to have done the painting on this topic. I feel it is important that it was a happy painter and the viewer.

Fishermans pleased with a rich catch. This painting I painted and to have spiritual significance. I like to add these meanings to my work.

Aesop fable: the fox and the stork. I like the old stories full of wisdom and wit. They are still reaching out to humanity.

In the office space paintings on glass creates a good vibe. This is important for every place where people live.

Silver framing gave freedom to express paintings. That’s how I make love, painting from the freely flowing emotions.

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What do you think?

Written by Paul Pulszartti