It was a cool autumn day with a slight breeze and a group of us artists met at the local park with a tiny lake to paint. We each found a spot and parked ourselves with paint and paper and started. It took about 3 hours till we met for lunch and discussed progress. Some were just focusing on one object like a tree, while others were taking in the whole landscape. I painted this lakeside tree grouping. I think my main problem here is the line that the water makes with the land. That line through the middle of paper tends to draw the eye away and out of the picture. It is one of those artistic no-nos.
What do you think?
Hi, a great painting. Slowly beginning to look at the artwork on display here on the site. I like your realistic style. This painting caught my eye, beautiful colors and good balanced compostion.
I thought so too while I was working it but the rule is not to divide the paper right through the middle and I violated that. Still I always love the reflections in the water. Thanks for commenting.
I love it
Thank you. I like to paint realistic but still find composition a problem sometimes. Thanks for commenting.