Hey There folks how you been? I have come up with a great Idea to make some AWESOME CD crafts, with my rotary tool & a old plastic bowl with a lid & POOF I have a tool that isn’t MADE for this but works all the same, mind over matter.
I have thought about how to make a spinner till I can’t think no more I’m tired, so as I was standing at my work table looking at my rotary tool & I seen a idea, I thought a little harder & came up with the idea of what it would take to make a make shift spinner, so I put it together & tried it BUT I forgot the lid OOPS.
So I found me a lid that worked & did a few Cd’s & O M G I was AMAZED @what I came up with after I started adding the paint to design the Cd’s in the spinner I had made & when I was done I had came up with some AWESOME designs & I made a video of it of JUST what I did & how they all came out.
Now for those that want to TRY this, mind you this is not safe for kids & can be dangerous for those that don’t know how to use this machine & can hurt you cause this isn’t made for this kind of work, is why I say be VERY careful with it.
I hope this is a inspiration to thinking out side the box when it comes to art in this area, but also think at the effects if your not tool smart in this way, so till I can get me the few things I need to DO this with I’m taking a break.
Thank you for your thoughts & time I’ll be back in a few days to answer you all back, mean while I’ll be working on something else & see how it goes. :>}