
End of Pests

Three ants

two mosquitoes

and two mice

formed a force bright

ants were red

slipped inside my pants

made my hips their bed

they argued a lot

and bit my ass

to various effects

always common

was a scream

it was at that moment

that a mosquito

flew at the back of ear


and got to sucking blood

then unable to move

I saw mouse

scramble to kitchen

ferret a fresh bread

and nibble right in front of my eyes

as if saying your larder is also mine

next time i was ready

as ants bit

my hand groped my hips

and three were smashed to death

just then my palm scooped

with a perfect catch i crashed the flying machine

then other hand was on slipper

as mouse scrambled

a perfect volley flew

mouse was floored

i picked it half dead

remaining death

came in bucket

by drowning !


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Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.