
Come what may

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Come what may

you will take me along with you

to esoteric lands and places

even if you die in the attempt

come what may you will change me

even if you die in the process

come what may you will pay me

my official salaries, perks, and bills

even if you eat as a beggar on the street

come what may you wish

to FORCE on me

one year of NO OFFICIAL WORK

even if we have complained 

in writing at 100 places against your act

O! beggar you are already dead

official monies can never be paid by you

as there is no official account

in which you could ever deposit

your private monies to be given

to me onwards

and how would you ever defend

100 complaints

already in writing with your name


and keeping me without work

Think hard you dumbhead

you are on brink of official extinction

so escape while you can

leave me alone

because I am your

number one foe

who knows

and can tow

your dead carcass

after the smoke is dispersed through!


What do you think?

Written by Glower4

Glower is a writer cum poet who is a commoner endowed with uncanny gift of extreme and deep abstract thought resulting in astonishing written word.

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