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They were born from as early as the 1940s onward when many European immigrants started arriving in America, many of them were being referred to as Indigo children who are supposed to be people with “old souls,”Wise.”

Seers say they were sent to our earth to be born to raise our planet’s cosmic vibration within our solar system and in the process, their teachings are to drag humanity into the age of enlightenment. The Indigo child’s purpose is to love and create peaceful and harmonious environments (at home and in the workplace).

Some go on to become healers, teachers, therapists, counselors …While they can work in any sector of society, they still do what they were sent to do, which is to make the world a more loving place.

About Indigos

Indigo children as a term of reference, was first used in the 1970s by the aura reader and writer, Nancy Ann Tappe after she noticed that a lot of children were being born with vivid indigo auras (energy fields).

These children were spiritually mature and noticeably different from their peers – they showed early signs of psychic abilities and were born with an ingrained need to do something special with their lives.

Some of them were seen to be clutching the hand or a finger of the obstetrician while still being delivered! Indigos are meant to tear down obnoxious systems – to stop unfair situations and bring love and fairness to the world.

Make no mistake, they are essentially rebels, they seldom do what society expects of them. Most, if not all, spend years moving from place to place or job to job in search of somewhere that feels like they belong there.

Many indigos are late developers – they often find true love much later in life, and their unique gift to the world is only discovered in their 40s, 50s, or 60s.

When they do discover a sense of ‘belonging’ they make up for the lost time and often spend the last decades of their life in happy fulfillment.

The following questions have been compiled by experts in the field and while the study of Indigo children is not an exact science but if you strongly identify with 8 or more of the following statements below, you are a true Indigo Child:

1. I don’t like to follow the rules.

2. I am impatient, and can’t stand doing things that make me feel like I’m wasting time.

3. I have difficulty taking orders from others or listening to authority.

4. Some people see me as strange because I move around a lot- go from place to place trying to find where I belong.

5. I find socializing boring unless it is with a few close people I call ‘my tribe.’

6. I know what is right and what is wrong, and I have never needed anyone else to explain it to me.

7. I have natural psychic abilities- sometimes I just know things without any reason or explanation.

8. I am sensitive to chemicals, smells, and industrial fabrics.

9. I have always had a deep desire to find purpose with my life, to find where I can be most helpful and with those who understand me.

10. I did not have an easy childhood, but being an outcast who was misunderstood made me who I am today.

So, are you an Indigo Child?


What do you think?


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  1. It sounds very rewarding to be an Indigo!
    They’ll feel the most comfortable around 40, 50 or 60, but before that, they’re impatient.
    Their purpose is to spread love and peace, but they’re bullied for being ‘weird’.
    Ugh. If I’m truly an Indigo child, I can’t wait for the day I get comfortable with it. ?


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