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All the animals in my life-part 2

Well, I told you all a little bit about my dog lady and that she thought she was a person. Well everywhere we went she would have to go. When we would go to Dairy Queen to get ice cream she would get ice cream too and when we would go to the drive-in movies my mom and dad would sneak her in under some blankets so she could watch the movie along with us. The whole time that she was with us we would do that up until the time where she started going a little senile and my mom and dad had to put her down and I will always love and miss her forever. Through the years I’ve had many different types of animals. Finally a few years before my mom had passed away I had gotten a dog named Max I called him Max Andrew Million it was a perfect name for him. He thought he was human too. I guess that’s the type of person I am I have an animal they start thinking they’re people cuz I talk to them like they’re a person. I guess, in a way animals sometimes act like people and sometimes people act worse than animals. But, Max is more than just a pet he was my best friend my rock and I loved him. He always knew when I was really sad he come over and try to cheer me up. He would sit there and listen to me talk  even though we couldn’t even when my mom passed away. he helped me get past my mom’s death and it was hardest thing for me to do. Thank you all for reading this God bless you all.


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Written by stacie


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