
July 2017 Cultural Fusion Art

Saturday, 7.15.17

I was invited to check out the latest artwork on display at the Showcase Gallery in Santa Ana, California. The theme was Cultural Fusion, which is about bringing cultures together into one brotherhood of harmony and peace. The art depicted scenes and people from different cultures. And, the refreshments and snacks were also from different cultures, such as Dolma, Hummus, Samosas, puffy cheese pastries which look Greek, mushroom/potato quiche, veggies, fruits, cheese and crackers, olives, and sauces. There was also a bar, and I chose a glass of my favorite drink–Secco specialty wine Rossini from Germany in Strawberry/Raspberry flavor. I already bought Mangocini and Bellini, which are the same brands from Trader Joes, but one is mango flavor and one is peach flavor. I like this liquor brand because it is sweet and fruity, and it doesn’t taste like liquor.

Enjoy the art on display in this video!


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