If you’re thinking about university, but not sure whether you should go, you can use this quiz as a starting point. Don’t take the advice as definitive. Take the questions here as the sort of things that you need to consider. Universities have a lot of free material that you can look at to help you make your decision.
i am ready
Wooo! Congrats 🙂
I got ‘Definitely’, lol.
Wooo! 😀
You are ready to apply to university right now! You know what you want, and how to get it. You know your subject, and want to take it to the next level. This is what the admissions teams at universities are looking for.
It’s a good sign 🙂
Still not ready xD
One day I’m sure 🙂
Maybe in 2 years cuz i’m still in high school hahah
2 years sounds like a good length of time 😀
Yeah, I hope it will be enough!