Wander project my father's photos 9 (6/16) List item Submitted to "Wander project my father's photos 9" Approved by DocAndersen January 18, 2019, 10:26 am 22 Views 3 Votes 6 Comments Share Tweet Pin MoreReport Item navigation Previous submission Next submission View full list Share Tweet Pin Written by DocAndersen One fan, One team and a long time dream Go Cubs!!!!!!!!!!!!! tumblr youtube 6 Comments What a stunning view! 1 Thanks Ellie! Dad was a great photographer! 1 OMG, YES, my kind of flower here. I love purple. Wow. 1 ITs called Indian Paintbrush 1 Aha, I have heard of it. Couldnt tell from that far. 1 My grandfather used to call it road side or ditch weed.
What a stunning view!
Thanks Ellie! Dad was a great photographer!
OMG, YES, my kind of flower here. I love purple. Wow.
ITs called Indian Paintbrush
Aha, I have heard of it. Couldnt tell from that far.
My grandfather used to call it road side or ditch weed.