So if you read my posts you know that my husband spends a lot of time on here reading and I won’t set him up with an account. He has no filter at all. He had medical issues. He is a veteran. He has strong opinions. I believe he is a wonderful person and I understand him, not many people do understand from where he comes.
With all that being said he did a little analysis on Virily this morning and I don’t know if I should laugh or cry. He spent hours combing through things (including my private messages where someone once told me to go #$%# myself). His conclusion was, well interesting. I don’t think I want to over think it or my feelings might be really hurt. Here is exactly the note he left on my computer table.
“After looking at virily and all the numbers and facts I think you are the “Donald Trump” of virily, no not the president, the one that everyone loves to hate. You are practical. You don’t back down. You do your homework. I believe people (in general) really hate that. Maybe you should just post 10000 pictures a day and say very little.”
Question of
Should I laugh?
Question of
Should I cry?
Question of
Should I follow his advice?
Some cretins have told me that I am the Joker (really?) or that I need to grow up (Really?). Come on cretins quit seeing too many Batman movies and let me be what I am. The Over The Ancon Hill satire writer from the former Canal Zone in Panama when comedy was not that raunchy as it is today.
I would do as the heart tells me … I do not care what others think about me because I can not be like everyone else … you are not too evil to me
I would do in their own as I think it is also the most my friend
Thanks for letting me know what you think.