
Eating mango

Without makeup, without combing my hair, without formal clothes, without pose, just me, with all the simplicity of a peasant woman, natural, eating a mango, the most nutritious and delicious fruit of Venezuela and the world.

May came and with the rainy season also mango, it rained yesterday and in the last days I ate some mangoes. Its season begins in the last months of April and extends until September.

The handle comes in a variety of colors, which gives it an attractive and pleasant appearance, from green, yellow, orange, red and even purple, depending on its variety and state of maturity.

It has many shapes and sizes, and can be eaten in many ways, raw even green, and preferably ripe when its flavors are at their point. It is used to make juices, jellies, compotes and jams.

The mango, in addition to its beauty, splendor and exquisite taste, contains many nutritional and medicinal properties. It provides antioxidants to the body, it is a source of vitamin, mainly C and B5; It is recommended to people suffering from kidney failure. Since it is a fruit that satisfies hunger, it can be consumed by people with diabetes and overweight people.

If you eat too much at the same time, it can cause diarrhea due to its high fiber content, so moderate consumption is recommended.

Note: The images of the mangoes have been brought from Google.


What do you think?

Written by arelis


    • Yes, it is true, right now there is harvest, and in the house of one of my children there are several trees and every morning the children pick them up, and they give and sell to those who go down the street.

    • Well, it’s a matter of taste and custom, of the relationship we have with the fruit. When I was a girl, at the time when I was working with my father in the field on the cocoa farms, the trees were everywhere and I ate them as I show in the photos, removing the bark with my teeth. But you can peel it with a knife and cut it into slices. Try to eat it as a salad, cut into cubes or julienne and put squirts of condensed milk, and also in tizanas, mixed with other citrus or not. You can also eat it pintón, half ripe, even half green or green, chopped, with a little salt.